Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Let's All Fire Obama!

By Catherine Moore-Barry

Yes, let's show our disdain for his childish threats to elderly folks by implying their Social Security checks just won't go out if he and Democrats can't continue to spend our country into bankruptcy!

I keep hearing our career politicians refer to Social Security as being an "entitlement" and that truly burns my biscuit! How is something that everyone has been forced to pay into their entire working life an "entitlement"??? I think withholding Social Security checks is theft... yes, STEALING from the most helpless members of our society! So before this asshat completely destroys our economy and country, Let's Fire Him!

Send a post card with "You're Fired" on it to :

President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

If you are tired of the failed and failing policies of Barack Obama, let him know it! Send a post card today! Since he has failed to listen, let's try flooding the White House with the written message!