Monday, November 12, 2012

America Betrayed

Well, we have all been subjected to an election cycle that has generated more smoke and mirrors and mindless banter than civilized souls should have to endure.  I still am amazed at what ignorant sheeple in large numbers can accomplish.  Really!

Let's see, what are the issues that America ignored as the stampeded to the polls.

1.  The Department of Justice's refusal to enforce election laws (ie Black Panther thugs at polling places with bully clubs). 

2..  The Horrific Health Care law that threatens to eliminate quality of care and threatens to bankrupt our country.

3.  The administration's "Fast n Furious" gun scandal to which Eric Holder has completely ignored being forthcoming with Congressional requests to provide information on and 2 dead Border Agents.

4.  Bombing attacks launched by our President without consent of Congress.

5.  The steadfast refusal to call "Acts of Terrorism' acts of terrorism (ie Ft. Hood).

6.  Constant attacks on our Constitutional Freedoms via the Unions (ie Card Check [forced unionism]) and the UN via the Small Arms Treaty.

7.  The horrific torture and deaths of 4 US Citizens in Benghazi and the lack of attention by our President as he went running off to an election fundraiser leaving his shills to lie to the American public for days!

I could go on and on, and on!  I stand amazed and appalled at just how ignorant the US Citizenry really is.  Either Democrats have become so good at using the Main Scream Media to brainwash the populace and at voting dead people that they can steal any election they please, or the RNC is just a brother organization of the Progressive dimwits and are very, very good at handing over the reigns to the left!

As a woman there are things I really resent about this bunch in the White House.  I've worked all my life to be considered more than a "hose bag" so I deeply resent being reduced to that by Democrats insisting that the most important thing in my life would be free birth control and a free abortion.  Being independent and able to take care of my personal needs, I really resent being reduced to an oversexed guppy out to reproduce and devour my young.

What disturbs me the most...the fact that the only time people want answers before they enter the polling place, is when a Republican appears to have dropped the ball.  If you are a Democrat... "Oh, you killed someone... here's your "free pass"...".  Brain dead America has sold the future, for subsequent generations, down the tubes because the "Performer in the White House" made promises while exchanging "man hugs" with Governor Christie the day before the election"... as if he really cared about domestic suffering!  How has that worked out for these people?  Still need services and help????  

You all get the government you deserve... Happy Trails as we all speed toward that fiscal cliff!  Remember, once upon a time we were citizens of America, NOT United Nationites.  Remember that when you hit the rock bottom!  There are no government checks issued down there!

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